Sunday, January 14, 2018

Processing And Cultivation Of Watermelon Without Seeds

Jiangsu Agri-animal Husbandry Vocational College

Landscape and horticulture department

Horticultural Products Storage Processing

     paper title(论 文 题) : Processing And Cultivation Of  Watermelon Without Seeds
     Name(姓名) : CITRA HELDA ANGGIA
     Class(班级)  : 17 exchange student
     Student ID(学号)          :  -
     Teacher(任课教师)        : JIANG


The cultivation of watermelon without seeds i.e. 4n penyilangan between results with 2n crossed be triploid, that produces triploid watermelon fruits without seeds, The cultivation of watermelon has a technology that must be followed from the processing of basic fertilizer, the granting of land, nursery, pemulsaan, planting, pruning, roping, gift of fertilizer following, control pests and disease as well as harvesting, prices from Watermelon without seeds more expensive 5-fold so that the benefits of processing higher and more easily from a watermelon with seeds product produced Ale, chewy gum, jelly, carbonated juice, watermelon mosse, spickle, watermelon rind, watermelon punch, kids water melon sandwich cookies, body scrub, watermelon yougurt, extract from watermelon for treatment of mouth ulcer.
 Keyword, watermelon without seed, product, price


Watermelon contains plants horticulture and commodities from the family Cucurbitaceae (gourd-labuan). Watermelon is one of the popular fruit and has a fairly high economic value. Watermelon is favored by people of indonesia because it tastes sweet, crispy and its water content, can made cake and juice.
Watermelon (Citrullus vulgaris plants. Scard) is a plant originating from the African continent in desert Scorpion today. Its spread to India, China and the United States conducted by the sailors of the merchant. Watermelon fruit has the attraction of the fruit is fresh and sweet. The water content reaches 92%, carbohydrates 7% and the rest is a vitamin. The dry season crops include watermelons, but lately with technology growing, watermelon can be planted anytime. In order to grow well and quickly, watermelon plants requires a dry, hot climate and enough water (Mulyanto, 2012)
According to Hai, wet climates will cause stunted growth, susceptible to the disease, as well as production and fruit quality will decrease. The development of cultivation technology of watermelon in the area Sub-more advanced than tropical regions (tropics). New types of good, the diploid hybrids (watermelon seed-bearing) and triploid (not watermelon seed-bearing), has been widely developed by the quality of the fruit and the results are much better than the tropical watermelon
There are dozens of varieties of watermelon cultivated, but only some of the interest of the petaniataukonsumen. In Indonesia the matching cultivated varieties are divided into two groups, the Local Watermelon (Watermelon black from Pasuruan, Watermelon and watermelon Sengkaling Stone Bojonegoro) and watermelon Hybrid Import (from cruciferous undue hybridisation results) that have its own advantages. The watermelons are classified according to the pure seed of his home country (Samadi, b. 1996)
Watermelon cultivation in Indonesia is still limited to meet the domestic market. Whereas open vast opportunities that the watermelon can be exported to a foreign country, because natural conditions Indonesia indeed more beneficial than the natural condition of the State's other producers in international markets. World market demand will reach 1,506,000 tons of watermelons. Until recently Indonesia got the watermelon export opportunities is quite large i.e. 1,144 tonnes per year (Rukmana, r. 1994).

knowing the watermelon cultivation in indonesia
knowing the processing of watermelon in indonesia


2.1 Watermelon Without Seeds
Watermelon without seeds or seedless watermelon is commonly called is F-1 hybrid watermelon too. But the elder or parent respectively derived from the tetraploid watermelon by female elders elder male diploid watermelon. Therefore it is also called watermelon watermelon tetraploid hybrids.
Seeding technique of seedless watermelon was discovered by Prof. Dr. Hitoshi Kihara. To obtain a tetraploid elders had to go through the multiple of the number of chromosomes in the scientific term is often referred to as mutation duplication. From the intersection of tetraploid watermelon with diploid triploid watermelon obtained this would be (seedless watermelon) who has the power of low vitality. If the air temperature is low (less than 290 C), then the power kecambahnya would be slow. Therefore, the triploid watermelon seed germination requires temperatures high enough so that the perkecambahannya can be assured.
The growth of young plants initially weak, even sometimes is not normal, but further plants will grow stronger. Power sprouts average triploid watermelon seeds is between 27.5 – 85% cotyledon shape smaller than the diploid watermelon. Triploid watermelon plant actually have males and females flowers are complete, but would the seeds and stringy her Sari was barren, then the seed will not be formed. Nevertheless, the seeds of which are white or brown sometimes still encountered. The formation of the empty Brown seeds are usually caused due to excess nutrient fertilization dose phospor (P205).

2.2.1. The classification of Watermelon
Plant a watermelon (Citrullus vulgaris) is a plant that originated in Africa. This plant started about 4000 years cultivated BC so it is not surprising that the watermelon fruit consumption has spread to all parts of the world. Watermelon fruit labulabuan family (Cucurbitaceae) and has about 750 types (syukur, 2009).
This plant is a climbing annuals whose life and have a anekaragam kind of like watermelon red, yellow watermelon, watermelon seeds and watermelon non seed.

Image 2.1. watermelon without seeds

According to Rukmana (1994), the scientific classification of watermelon is as follows:
Kingdom : Plantae
Division  : Magnoliophyta
Class     : Plant Taxonomy
Order     : Plant Taxonomy
Family    : Cucurbitaceae
Genus     : Citrullus
Species    : Citrullus vulgaris
Watermelon is a year, is spread, the stem is small and its length can reach 5 m. The stem is covered with delicate feathers long sharp and white. The stem has a forked tendrils 2 – 3 pieces, so the climb. Watermelon plants have flowers, Flowers hermaphrodite and female standing apart, yet still in a tree. The number of male flowers are usually a lot more than other flowers. The fruit is round to oval (oval). The skin of the fruit is green or yellow, white or green blurik. The flesh of the fruit is tender, juicy and sweet. The colors red or yellow fruit flesh (Syukur, 2009).

2.2.2. Stadia or phase of plant growth
According to Endang Dwi Purbajanti (2013), the growth is the increase in plant material, a process that changes the total raw materials chemically and add them in the plants. Plant growth occurs at the microscopic level when cells enlarges and divides so the development of plant parts that can be seen. From an understanding of plant growth on top, it can be concluded that the understanding of plant growth is a process of adding size, increased the number of cells and increased the number of leaves that will not return again in its original form. The growth of the plant consists of two phases, namely the phases of vegetative and generative phase.
In the vegetative growth phase requires a temperature around 25 degrees Celsius. On the temperature of the plant watermelons would grow fast and strong so it will be obtained plants that berbatang strong and large leaf size. Plants with strong physical condition and backed up with good maintenance will produce a high quality fruit.
After that on a generative phase, especially on cooking the fruit, watermelon plants requires daily temperatures around 30 degrees Celsius for the formation of sugar on the flesh of the fruit. If during this period the temperature condition is too low, the sugar levels in the meat of the fruit would also be low and harvesting age longer. Watermelon fruit produced in hot and dry conditions have sugar levels around 11%. Cold conditions otherwise on the sugar levels reaching only 8% (BAPPENAS, 2005).

2.3 Watermelon Cultivation
In the watermelon fruit, the plant has had a growth of terms i.e. having a climate with high rainfall 40-50 mm/ideal months because precipitation is too high may result in ill will toward plant growth, i.e., susceptible to pests disease, designate the fruit fall and long vegetative growth. The whole area of pertanaman watermelon need sunlight since rising to sink. Lack of sunlight causes the onset of decline of harvest time. Watermelon plants will be able to grow and bear fruit with optimal temperature 25OC (during the day). The ideal temperature is bagipertumbuhan plant watermelon is the average daily temperatures ranging 20 – 30 mm. Humidity tends to be low when sunlight illuminates the area of cultivation, mean the poor dry air moist air. These conditions are suitable for the growth of the plant a watermelon, because watermelon plant origins living in a desert environment with dry. On the contrary, too high humidity will encourage the growth of fungi plant destroyer (Doring, et al. 2006)
Soil conditions are suitable to plant watermelon is a pretty loose soil, rich in organic matter, not acidic soils and soils/fields that have been dried. Soil acidity (pH) required between 6-6.7. If the pH is 5.5 < (acidic soil) then held liming with doses adapted to the level of acidity of the soil. Land suitable for crops watermelon is porous soil (the nest) so easy to dispose of excess water, but the land is too easy to throw away less water is good for growing watermelons. Sedangkanuntuk the height of an ideal place for watermelon cultivation acreage is: 100-300 m above sea level. In fact the watermelon can be planted in the area near the coast has an altitude below 100 m above sea level and above the hills with heights of over 300 m above sea level (Sarpian, 2003).
2.4 Postharvest Handling and Packaging:
  Sugar content does not change after harvest, but flavor may be improved due to loss in acidity of slightly immature melons. Fruit can get over-ripe fairly quickly if not cooled. However, watermelon color will continue to improve for up to 7 days after harvesting if kept at temperatures of 18°-22 °C , but it will actually fade (get lighter) if kept at temperatures of below 12 °C for long periods of time. It is important to note that once harvested the sugar content or sweetness will not improve. Chilling injury will occur after several days below 5°C. The resulting pits in the rind will be invaded by decay-causing organisms. Moisture content and pH of the injured watermelon were higher than those of normal watermelon. However, color tone (Lab), hardness, soluble solid, and total amino acid and sugar contents of the injured fruit were lower than those of normal fruit.
Watermelons exposed to various concentrations of ethylene (C2H4) for 3 or 7 days of storage at 18oC deteriorated rapidly.  Exposure to C2H4 reduced the rind thickness and firmness of melons.  Almost all of the melons exposed to 30 or 60 µl/liter ethylene for 7 days were unacceptable for consumption.
Less than 50 % of the melons exposed to any concentration of ethylene were acceptable for consumption.
Watermelons, particularly early in the season, are sometimes shipped in mixed loads with other produce or they may be stored in central warehouses near products that may emit C2H4.Watermelons are usually harvested at their peak maturity and flavor, generally will not improve with storage. An increase in C2H4 production is associated with the respiratory peak and with the end of senescence after harvest.
Watermelons are detrimentally affected by ethylene and should not be held with cantaloupes, honeydews or other mixed melons. The whole fruit may become spongy and the internal pulp may become mealy and breakdown if exposed to low concentrations (>0.5 ppm) of ethylene.
  Principal Postharvest Diseases: Postharvest diseases are important sources of postharvest loss in watermelon production. This loss depends on cultural practices adopted during production and also the local climatic conditions at harvest. Disease pressure is greater in areas with high rainfall and humidity during production and harvest. A number of pathogens may cause postharvest decay of watermelon.
The primary defense against the occurrence of decay is the exclusion of diseased fruit from the marketing chain through careful selection at harvest and appropriate fruit grading before shipment. Holding fruits at 10°C will slow down the rate of disease development, compared to ambient temperature storage. There are no postharvest fungicide treatments for watermelon. Common fungal diseases that cause rind decay after harvest include black rot (Didymella sp.), anthracnose (,Colletotrichum sp.), Phytophthora (Phytophthora sp.) fruit rot, Fusarium, and stem-end rot (Lasiodiplodia theobromae). The most common postharvest bacterial disease is soft rot.


Stages Of The Cultivation Of Watermelon Without Seeds
3.3.1 Nursery
According to Wihardjo s. (1993) in doing the cultivation of watermelon fruit tamanam surely should know the stages in cultivation are employed comprised, among others, seeding. A good watermelon seed is not form wrinkles, not float if soaked. Before the seeds are sown, the watermelon is cut (for semangkan Seedless) in advance using nail clippers, to ease the process of growth. The next seed soaked in warm water temperatures of 20-25 ° C plus fungicide and bactericide concentration by 2 ml/l. after 10-30 minutes, was soaked and drained until the water no longer flows. Then the seeds are ready germination.
Watermelon seeds, sown before diperam in advance. How is seed that has been dikeringanginkan placed on the cloth, and then folded. Enter the parcel into cans or jars covered with sand and wet newspaper. To provide a warm atmosphere, the cans were given a 15 watt incandescent lighting, at a distance of 5-10 cm at the top of the bundle. Curing is done during 24-48 hours. Each 4-6 hours need to control humidity. If dry conditions, immediately spray the water using a hand sprayer. The seed that has been diperam, inserted into the little polybags (size 12 x 12 cm) that already contains a media plant that is a mixture of soil and manure (1:1). The depth of the planting hole 1.5 cm. When it is planted, the hole covered with finely ground mixed grey husk (2:1). Then the polybags polybags gunny sack closed during the 2-3 day (Samadi, 1996).
Polybags-polybags given hood (canopies) similar transparent plastic mini greenhouse and one side open. Farmers are also equipped with shade paranet. The young seedlings were given a ray of morning sun only, maximum until 09.00. Three days before planting, farmers must be opened, so that the seedlings get full sun. Watering is done regularly to maintain the humidity. Fertilizing is done using fertilizer leaves, to spur the development of seeds, mixed with fungicides, performed a routine 3 days. After seedlings aged 12-14 days and 2-3 strands, leafy has been moved to the acreage plantings that have been processed.

3.3.2 Tillage
Watermelon plants require water so that the dike wall contained in the soil flows out through the drainage channels are created. Cultivation technique of wide dike wall hanging was used. For planting system turus (marker), the width of the dike wall is 100-110 m; system without turus with 1 row crop wide dike wall, 200 cm; system without turus (marker) with 2 rows of plants, width 400 cm Long dike wall dike wall 12-15 m, maximum height 30-50 dike wall cm, width cm. 30-50 trench Then the granting of basic fertilizer for watermelon without seeds, fertiliser needs per plant are 85 g ZA, 50 g of urea, 30 g SP-36, 85 g and 2 g KCl Borate. As for watermelon seed-bearing fertilizer needs, per plant is 80 g 40 g urea, ZA, 30 g SP-36, 70 g and 2 g KCl Borate (Prajnanta, 1996).
Dike wall needs to be been weeded, watered and covered with dry straw as thick as 2-3 cm plastic mulch or plastic 110-150 cm in width in order to inhibit the evaporation of water and grow wild. Plastic usage is more profitable because it is more durable, to 812 month on open area (2-3 times the period of planting). Silver colored plastic will reflect sunlight thereby reducing pests that hide under the leaves of plants.

3.3.3 Planting
Turus system for planting, planting distance used is 80 x 70 cm with a population of 8,000 plants/ha. For planting system without turus, with 1 row and 2 rows of crops, the distance in the 70 cm with a population of 3.5004.000 plants/ha. Then the preparation pelubangan of land plants is performed 1 week before the nursery moved. The distance between the holes is adapted to trunks. If land use plastic mulch, then needed a tool from the paint cans were given 1 kg size holes adapted to the soil conditions dike wall given aperture.
The cans were given a charcoal which is then burned. After the charcoal into the embers, the tool is ready for use. Then do pelubangan on land with soil depth 8-10 cm. Seeds watermelon seed was made after 14 days and have grown leaf 2-3 sheets and before seeds are planted, done soaking in water that contains NPK fertilizer solution 2 g/l, as Starter Solution. Laluuntuk planting sequence is as follows, the plastic bag removed carefully so that the root is not damaged; the seeds are inserted into the hole which has been prepared; hole covered with soil that has been prepared; the last hole is smothered in water agar medium seed blend with soil (Sarpian, 2003).

3.3.4 Plant Maintenance
According to Rukmana (1994), watermelon plants aged 3-5 days to note. When plants grow too slow or dead plants new seed stitching is done with that has been prepared but the stitching is not to do more than 10 days after planting. On the activities of the stitching is, it should be noted the cause of death of seedlings. When caused by bacteria or fungi, seeds should be dismantled along with their land, so as not to rub off to other healthy seedlings. Selainitu the presence of weeds around the plants may inhibit plant growth, even reduce production in addition of weeds can also be used as a host for pests and disease so that needs to be done routinely weeding.
If the soil contains less borak, along the basic fertilizer given borak 5 Kg per Ha for Fertilizer aftershock ditugalkan. 10 – 15 Cm from the trunk. Administering liquid fertilizer SEPRINT than 10 CC dissolved in 5 l water and spray on 2 – 3 weeks after transplanting and repeated 7 days until 15 days before the harvestOn the cultivation of watermelon can do PHP to produce mulch treatment of watermelon without seeds.
 The benefits of mulching PHP as the name implies, mulch PHP consists of two layers of color, on the top of the silver-coloured danbagian bottom black. installation of mulch should not reverse because if the installation is reversed then the influence of the mulch will be different. The benefits of using PHP is mulch stimulates root development, maintain the structure of the temperature and soil moisture, prevent soil erosion, suppress the growth of weeds, reduces the evaporation of water and fertilizers, improving the process of photosynthesis, and suppress the development of pest and disease.

3.3.5 harvest and post harvest
According to Sarpian (2003), determine the time of harvesting can be via three ways i.e. visual observation of pengamatn sound when the fruit diketuk, and age of the plant. Visually, the watermelon fruit ready harvest is characterized by the bright fruit skin color, the shape of the fruit of the vine, and contains a round behind the fruit stalk has changed color to dark brown. The color of the fruit into the light because of the layer of wax that envelop the skin of the fruit is gone. The voice of the fruit can be used as a sign of the level of the age of the fruit. The sound of this fruit appears after fruit diketuk. When a loud, fruit is still young. Conversely, if a bit heavy and a little flutter, the fruit is ripe or aged.
Varieties of plants and height affect the age of harvesting crops. At an altitude of between 700-900 m above sea level, the watermelon can be harvested at the age of 90-100 days after planting. While the low-lying fruit can be harvested at the age of 85 days. How to harvest watermelon fruit is to cut tangaki fruit. After the cut, the fruit can be removed and placed directly into the basket. Picking the fruit should preferably be made at the time the weather is sunny and not cloudy so the surface of the skin of the fruit in dry conditions, so hold for in the penyimpananan (Sarpian, 2003).
Then enter in the post-harvest phase where fruit crops through some selection process before the fruit at sell kepasaran due to the mixed fruit in the fruit can lower the value of the fruits of this process is called sorting later. Watermelon fruit storage process last on the level of large traders (while waiting for a better price) is done as follows: storage at low temperature of around 4 ° C, and humidity between 80-85%; Controlled atmosphere storage on (a way of setting the levels of O2 and CO2 levels) assuming oxygen or increase the levels of carbon dioxide (CO2), can reduce the process of respiration (Rukmana, 1994).

3.2 Processing Techniques:
Kids Watermelon Sandwich Cookies
Kids will love them!
12 (3-inch) blueberry pancakes, cooled to room temperature
1/2 cup white frosting
6 (2/3-inch thick and 3-inch round) seedless watermelon slices, drained to remove excess moisture
Evenly frost the bottoms of each pancake with the white frosting. Arrange six of the pancakes, frosting side up on a serving platter. Place a slice of watermelon on each of the frosted pancakes on the platter. Top each with the remaining pancakes, frosting side down. Serve immediately or cover and refrigerate until ready to serve. Serves 6.

Watermelon Banana Split
A Healthy Twist to an Old Favorite
2 bananas
1 medium watermelon
1 cup fresh blueberries
1 cup diced fresh pineapple
1 cup sliced fresh strawberries
1/4 cup caramel fruit dip
1/4 cup honey roasted almonds
Peel bananas and cut in half lengthwise then cut each piece in half. For each serving, lay 2 banana pieces against sides of shallow dish. Using an ice cream scooper, place three watermelon “scoops” in between each banana in each dish. Remove seeds if necessary. Top each watermelon “scoop” with a different fruit topping. Drizzle caramel fruit dip over all. Sprinkle with almonds. Makes 4 servings.
Watermelon Dippers
This Fresh Dip with a Hint of Sweetness Makes a Treat Kids Will Love
8 ounces sour cream
4 tablespoons sugar
1 teaspoon vanilla extract
Watermelon stix or small wedges
Blend together the sour cream, sugar and vanilla in a small serving bowl. Use as a dip for the watermelon
4.1 types of product watermelon
Image 2.2. Ale                               Image 2.3. chewy gum

Image 2.4. jelly                           image 2.5 carbonated juice

image 2.6 watermelon mousse              image 2.7 spickle
Image 2.8. watermelon rind                Image 2.9. watermelon punch

Image 2.9. Kids Watermelon Sandwich Cookies  image 2.10. Body scrub

Image 2.11 watermelon yougurt       Image 2.12 Extract from watermelon for treatment of mouth ulcer

4.2 difference in watermelon prices

Watermelon with seed (Rp. 4.500/kg) or 4.5 RMB/jin

Watermelon without seeds (Rp. 22.500/kg) or 22.5 RMB/jin


The cultivation of watermelon has a technology that must be followed from the processing of basic fertilizer, the granting of land, nursery, pemulsaan, planting, pruning, roping, gift of fertilizer following, control pests and disease as well as harvesting should be SOP and the GAP because watermelon is in need of intentensif in cultivation.
The cultivation of watermelon without seeds i.e. 4n cross between results with 2n crossed be triploid, that produces triploid watermelon fruits without seeds
The price of watermelon without seeds more expensive 5-fold so that the benefits of processing higher and more easily from a watermelon with seeds

Bappenas.2005. Budidaya pertanian semangka (Citrullus vulgaris).Jakarta. Penebar Swadaya.

Budi, Samadi.1996. Semangka Tanpa Biji. Yogyakarta: Kanisius.

Doring T., U. Heimbach, T. Thieme, M. Finckch, H. Saucke. 2006. Aspectof straw mulching inorganic  potatoes-I, effectson microclimate,Phytophtora infestans, and Rhizoctonia solani. Nachrichtenbl. Deut.Pflanzenschutzd. 58 (3):73-78.

Duljapar, K, dan R. N. Setyowati. 2000. Petunjuk Bertanam SemangkaSistem Turus. Jakarta. Penebar Swadaya.

Endang Dwi Purbajanti. 2013. Rumput dan Legum Sebagai Hijauan Makanan Ternak. Yogyakarta. Penerbit Graha Ilmu

Kemal, Prihatman. 2000. Semangka (Citrullus vulgaris). Jakarta: Media Unika
Prajnanta, F. 1999. Kiat sukses bertanam semangka berbiji.Jakarta. PenebarSwadaya.

Prajnanta, F. 1996. Agribisnis SemangkaNon-biji.Jakarta. Penebar Swadaya.        
Purseglove, 1968. Tropical Crops Dicotyledones. London. Longman Green and Co Ltd.

Rukmana, R. 1994. Budidaya Semangka Hibrida. Yogyakarta: Kanisius.

Samadi, B. 1996. Semangka Tanpa Biji. Yogyakarta: Kanisius

Sarpian, T. 2003. Pedoman Berkebun dan Analisis Usaha Tani. Yogyakarta: kanisius


Syukur, M., S. Sujiprihati, dan R. Yunianti. 2009. Teknik pemuliaan           tanaman. Bagian Genetika dan Pemuliaan Tanaman. Bogor. Departemen            Agronomi dan Hotikultura IPB. 284 hal.
Umboh, Andry Harits. 1999. Petunjuk Penggunaan Mulsa. Jakarta:             Penebar Swadaya.

Monday, January 8, 2018

Perawatan dan pemeliharaan alat/mesin/traktor

Perawatan dan Pemeliharaan
  A. Perawatan Dan Pemeliharaan

A. Tujuan Umum

Tujuan Umum Pemeliharaan/Perawatan ad :
 Mempertahankan kondisi alat/mesin  sebaik baiknya selama dipergunakan untuk mempertahankan umur pemakaian.
Menjaga agar tidak terjadi kerusakan- 2 besar maka bila kerusakan-kerusakan kecil harus segera ditemukan dan diperbaiki.
B. Tujuan Khusus

Tujuan khusus pemeliharaan & perawatan adalah :
Pemeriksaan dan perawatan rutin berkala
akan membantu dalam mengantisipasi
kerusakan yang lebihjauh lagi (fatal)
Mengurangi down time unit
Efektivitas kerja unit dan target kerja
Perawatan dan pemeliharaan
Perawatan harian
Perawatan rutin berkala ( based on HM )
Perbaikan ringan Overhaul ( based on HM )
     Catatan :  HM  = Hour Machine
1. Perawatan harian

Pemeriksaan dan perawatan harian meliputi :
 Pemeriksaan seluruh level oli sebelum mesin
 Pemeriksaan air battery beserta kabel kabelnya
Pemeriksaan air radiator
Pemeriksaan rem
Pemeriksaan kopling ( jarak pedal)
Pemeriksaan sistem listrik dan lampu
Pemeriksaan ketegangan tali kipas
Pemeriksaan tekanan angin ban Pemeriksaan seluruh baut-2 terutama baut roda
Pemeriksaan fungsi sistem hydrolik
Pemeriksaan kebocoran-2 oli
Pada awal menghidupkan mesin, sebaiknya pada RPM rendah.
Pembersihan air cleaner sebaiknya dilakukan setiap hari Pengisian BBM sebaiknya dilakukan pada sore hari untuk menghindari ruang kosong dalam tangki bahan bakar
Pembersihan unit setelah selesai beroperasi sebaiknya dilakukan setiap hari jika memungkinkan .

2.perawatan titin berkala
Perawatan berkala didasarkan pada jam kerja mesin (HM), biasanya mengikuti rekomendasi dari pihak pembuat unit (faprikan)
Pelaksanaan bisa dilakukan sendiri atau dengan pihak lain (vendor)
Kegiatan meliputi :
Pemeriksaan rutin kondisi unit/mesin
Penggantian pelumas
Penggantian suku cadang

3. Servis Kerusakan / Perbaikan Ringan
 Dilakukan bila terjadi kerusakan insidental
 Dilakukan sendiri atau dengan pihak lain
 Penggantian suku cadang :
 Sistem penyediaan barang
 Sistem pengeluaran barang

Penyediaan Suku cadang
Disesuaikan dengan budget
Diatur berdasarkan kebutuhan
Harus ada batas minimal stok
Diatur per satuan waktu
Faktor jarak (antara kebun dengan supplyer)
Proses penyediaan barang.

4. Overhaul
Dilakukan jika telah mencapai jadwal (waktu) pelaksanaan overhaul / faktor umur unit Terjadi kerusakan parah yang
mengakibatkan harus dilakukan

Fungsi pelumasan :
Memberi pelumas pada bagian bgaian yang bergerak/ bergesek Menjadi bantalan antara dua metal yang  bergerak/ bergesekkan Sebagai pendingin, karena panas diserap oli dan didinginkan di ruang carter Sebagai seal untuk mencegah kebocoran kompresi ke ruang carter

Tanpa pelumasan : gesekan kuat, keausan lebih cepat dan tenaga yang digunakan untuk bergerak  lebih besar
Dengan pelumasan : tidak terjadi gesekan atau kontak langsung antara benda A dan B, keausan dapat dicegah dan tenaga yang dibutuhkan untuk kerja sedikit

Kekentalan oil
SAE (Society Automotive Engineers), mengklasifikasikan oli berdasarkan kekentalannya
Semakin besar nilainya, maka oli semakin kental, contoh :
Oli SAE 10 untuk oli hidrolik
Oli SAE 30 untuk oli mesin
Oli SAE 40 untuk oli mesin yang  agak tua
Oli SAE 90 untuk oli transmisi
Oli SAE 140 untuk oli gardan

Penggunaan pelumasan
Keteledoran dalam pemeriksaan  dan penggantian oli, serta pemakaian oli yang rendah mutunya akan mengakibatkan kerusakan yang fatal
Hal yang harus diperhatikan dalam pelumasan :
Gunakan oli bermutu dan jangan berganti-ganti merek
Pemeriksaan oli sebelum operasi
Penggantian oli yang tepat waktu
Rekomendasi pabrik pembuat mesin

Sistem pendingin
Tujuan untuk mencegah suhu yang sangat tinggi, sehingga dapat merusak bagian bagian mesin.
Beberapa macam sistem pendinginan :
Sistem pendinginan udara.
Sistem pendinginan air.
Sistem hopper (tanki)
Sistem radiator

Saturday, January 6, 2018

Tanaman obat (medichinal plant)

Name   : Citra Helda Anggia
Progam study : Production horticulture


Image 1. Platycladus orientalis

Genus:Platycladus Spach
Species Platycladus orientalis

Description Morphological
It is a small, slow-growing tree, to 15–20 m tall and 0.5 m trunk diameter (exceptionally to 30 m tall and 2 m diameter in very old trees). The foliage forms in flat sprays with scale-like leaves 2–4 mm long. The cones are 15–25 mm long, green ripening brown in about eight months from pollination, and have 6–12 thick scales arranged in opposite pairs. The seeds are 4–6 mm long, with no wing.

It is used as an ornamental tree, both in its homeland, where it is associated with long life and vitality, and very widely elsewhere in temperate climates. Several cultivars have been selected, of which 'Aurea nana'[9] and 'Elegantissima'[10] have gained the Royal Horticultural Society's Award of Garden Merit.
The wood is used in Buddhist temples both for (lavairos) construction work, and chipped, for incense burning

Eriobotrya japonica (loquat)

Image 2. Eriobotrya japonica

Species:Eriobotrya japonica

Description Morphological
Eriobotrya japonica is a large evergreen shrub or small tree, with a rounded crown, short trunk and woolly new twigs. The tree can grow to 5–10 metres (16–33 ft) tall, but is often smaller, about 3–4 metres (10–13 ft). The fruit begins to ripen during Spring to Summer depending on the temperature on the area. The leaves are alternate, simple, 10–25 centimetres (4–10 in) long, dark green, tough and leathery in texture, with a serrated margin, and densely velvety-hairy below with thick yellow-brown pubescence; the young leaves are also densely pubescent above, but this soon rubs off.
Loquats are unusual among fruit trees in that the flowers appear in the autumn or early winter, and the fruits are ripe at any time from early spring to early summer. The flowers are 2 cm (1 in) in diameter, white, with five petals, and produced in stiff panicles of three to ten flowers. The flowers have a sweet, heady aroma that can be smelled from a distance.
Loquat fruits, growing in clusters, are oval, rounded or pear-shaped, 3–5 centimetres (1–2 in) long, with a smooth or downy, yellow or orange, sometimes red-blushed skin. The succulent, tangy flesh is white, yellow or orange and sweet to subacid or acid, depending on the cultivar.
Each fruit contains from one to ten ovules, with three to five being most common. A variable number of the ovules mature into large brown seeds (with different numbers of seeds appearing in each fruit on the same tree, usually between one and four). The skin, though thin, can be peeled off manually if the fruit is ripe. In Egypt, varieties with sweeter fruits and fewer seeds are often grafted on inferior quality specimens.
The fruits are the sweetest when soft and orange. The flavour is a mixture of peach, citrus and mild mango.

The loquat has a high sugar, acid, and pectin content. It is eaten as a fresh fruit and mixes well with other fruits in fresh fruit salads or fruit cups. The fruits are also commonly used to make jam, jelly, and chutney, and are often served poached in light syrup. Firm, slightly immature fruits are best for making pies or tarts.
The fruit is sometimes canned. The waste ratio, however, is 30 percent or more, due to the seed size. The fruit is also processed into confections.

Isatis tinctoria

Image 3. Isatis tinctoria

Species Isatis tinctoria L.

Description Morphological
Song Lan,or Isatis tinctoria:biennial herb.Root hypertrophy,nearly conical,deep taproot diameter 2-3cm, long 20-30cm, sallow skin or khaki,with short stripes and a few fibrous roots.Stems erect,40 to 90 cm high, smooth is Creme. Leaves alternate;basal leaves large, petiolate,oblong-elliptic leaf; stem leaves oblong to oblong-oblanceolate,in the lower part of the leaf is large,gradually becoming a smaller,3.5 to 11 cm long,0.5 to 3 cm wide,apex obtuse,base arrow, semiamplexicaul,entire or serrulate obvious.Wide racemes:Flowers small, 3 to 4 mm in diameter, no bracts, pedicels slender; calyx 4,green; petals 4, yellow ,obovate; stamens 6,4 strong; pistil 1, oblong.
Short pod nearly oblong,flat, glabrous,margin membranous wings,especially the ends of the wide-winged fruit flap with the veins. Seeds 1,oblong, light brown.Flowering from April to May,fruiting from May to June. The herb Isatis tinctoria very adaptable to climate and soil conditions,resistant to cold,prefer warm,but the fear of water damage, can grow widely at the majority of China's Yangtze River and the northern region. Distributed in provinces incliding Gansu,Shaanxi,Jiangsu,Zhejiang, Anhui, Guizhou and other places,often cultivated.

Benefical medichine
Woad has rather a mixed press for its medicinal virtues. One author says it is so astringent that it is not fit to be used internally - it is only used externally as a plaster applied to the region of the spleen and as an ointment for ulcers, inflammation and to staunch bleeding. However, it is widely used internally in Chinese herbal medicine where high doses are often employed in order to maintain high levels of active ingredients. The leaves are antibacterial, anticancer, antiviral, astringent and febrifuge.
It controls a wide range of pathogenic organisms, including viruses. It is used internally in the treatment of a wide range of disorders, including meningitis, encephalitis, mumps, influenza, erysipelas, heat rash etc. The leaves are harvested in the summer and can be used fresh or dried. They are also macerated and the blue pigment extracted. This is also used medicinally, particularly in the treatment of high fevers and convulsions in children, coughing of blood and as a detoxifier in infections such as mumps. The root is antibacterial and anticancer. It is used in the treatment of fevers, pyogenic inflammation in influenza and meningitis, macula in acute infectious diseases, erysipelas, mumps and epidemic parotitis. Its antibacterial action is effective against Bacillus subtilis, haemolytic streptococcus,, C. diphtheriae, E. coli, Bacillus typhi, B. paratyphi, Shigella dysenteriae, S. flexneri and Salmonella enteritidis. Both the leaves and the roots are used in the treatment of pneumonia. The root and the whole plant have anticancer properties whilst extracts of the plant have shown bactericidal properties.

Artemisia argyi

Image 4. Artemisia argyi

Species:Artemisia argyi

Description Morphological
Artemisia argyi is an upright, greyish, herbaceous perennial about one metre tall, with short branches and a creeping rhizome. The stalked leaves are ovate, deeply divided and covered in small, oil-producing glands, pubescent above and densely white tomentose below.
 The lower leaves are about six centimetres long, bipinnate with wide lanceolate lobes and short teeth along the margins. The upper leaves are smaller and three-partite, and the bracteal leaves are simple, linear and lanceolate.
 The inflorescence is a narrow leafy panicle. The individual flowers are pale yellow, tubular, and clustered in spherical turned-down heads. The central flowers are bisexual while the marginal flowers are female. The petals are narrow and folded cylindrically and the bracts have a cobwebby pubescence. The whole plant is strongly aromatic.

Benefical medichine
Wormwood leaves are gathered on a warm dry day in spring and summer when the plant is in flower and dried in the shade. In traditional Chinese medicine, they are considered to have bitter, pungent and warm properties and to be associated with the liver, spleen and kidney meridians. The leaves are used as an antiseptic, expectorant, febrifuge and styptic. The herb is considered to increase the blood supply to the pelvic region and stimulate menstruation, help treat infertility, dysmenorrhea, asthma and coughs.
 Another use is in moxibustion, a form of healing in which the herb is burned in cones or sticks or on the tip of an acupuncture needle. Boiling water can be poured onto the ground up leaves and used in a decoction, alone or with other substances, and the fresh leaf can be crushed and blended and a juice extracted. A volatile oil can be extracted from the leaves and used in the treatment of asthma and bronchitis for which purpose it is sprayed onto the back of the throat and brings rapid relief. The leaves have an antibacterial action and have been shown to be effective against Staphylococcus aureus, Bacillus dysenteriae, Bacillus subtilis, Bacillus typhi, Escherichia coli and Pseudomonas.

Perilla frutescens

Image 5. Perilla frutescens

Species Perilla frutescens

Description Morphological
Perilla is an annual plant growing 60–90 centimetres (24–35 in) tall, with hairy square stalks. The leaves are opposite, 7–12 centimetres (2.8–4.7 in) long and 5–8 centimetres (2.0–3.1 in) wide, with an broad oval shape, pointy ends, serrated(saw-toothed) margins, and long leafstalks. The leaves are green with occasional touches of purple on the underside.
The flowers bloom on racemes at the end of branches and the main stalk in August and September. The calyx, 3–4 millimetres (0.12–0.16 in) long, consist of upper three sepals and the hairy lower two. The corolla is 4–5 millimetres (0.16–0.20 in) long with its lower lip longer than the upper. Two of the four stamens are long.
The fruit is a schizocarp, 2 millimetres (0.079 in) in diameter, and with reticulate pattern on the outside. Perilla seeds can be soft or hard, being white, grey, brown, and dark brown in colour and globular in shape. 1000 seeds weigh about 4 grams (0.14 oz).  Perilla seeds contain about 38-45% lipid.

Benefical medichine
Perilla is used in traditional medicine as an infusion for respiratory and gastrointestinal complaints and was investigated in clinical trials for the treatment of various cancers

Ilex cornuta

Image 6. Ilex cornuta

Species Ilex cornuta

Description Morphological
Ilex cornuta, commonly known as Chinese holly or horned holly, is a slow-growing, densely foliaged evergreen shrub in the Aquifoliaceae plant family. It is native to eastern China and Korea  and attains a height of about 3 metres (9.8 ft). The leaves are usually 5-spined (sometimes 4), between 3.5 cm and 10 cm long, oblong and entire. The fruits are red berries, which are larger than those of the European Holly (Ilex aquifolium).
Ilex cornuta is valued horticulturally for its attractive and distinctive rectangular foliage and for its large red berries. Several cultivars and hybrids have been introduced by the horticultural trade, including 'Burfordii' (compact and free-fruiting), 'Dazzler' (large fruits), 'Dwarf Burfordii' (particularly compact), and 'Nellie R. Stevens' (a hybrid with I. aquifolium, very free-fruiting).
Ilex cornuta and its cultivars will tolerate a wide variety of soils and will grow in sun or shade.

Folium sennae

Image 7. Senna obtusifolia

Species:S. obtusifolia

Description Morphological
Senna includes herbs, shrubs, and trees. The leaves are pinnate with opposite paired leaflets. The inflorescences are racemes at the ends of branches or emerging from the leaf axils. The flower has five sepals and five usually yellow petals. There are ten straight stamens. The stamens may be different sizes, and some are staminodes. The fruit is a legume pod containing several seeds

Herbal medicinal product for short-term use in cases of occasional constipation.

Epimedium brevicornu

Image 8. Epimedium grandiflorum

Species:E. grandiflorum

Description Morphological
It is a deciduous perennial growing to 30 cm (12 in), with bright red stems with green heart-shaped leaves (copper-tinged when young) which are slightly hairy on the bottom. In spring it produces pink, white, yellow or purple long-spurred flowers

Traditional Chinese medicine
E. grandiflorum may have anti-impotence properties due to the presence of icariin, a relatively weak inhibitor of PDE5 in comparison to substances like sildenafil (viagra). Western peer-reviewed research into the efficacy of E. grandiflorum as an aphrodisiac is lacking; however, the herb has been used for this purpose in traditional Chinese medicine and is a common ingredient of herbal remedies for impotence. It is commonly packed in a capsule with other ingredients or sold as herbal flakes or powder with the name "horny goat weed".

Magnolia sprengei

Image 9. Magnolia sprengei

Subgenus:M. subg.
YulaniaSection:M. sect. Yulania subsect. YulaniaSpecies:M. sprengeri

Description Morphological
It is a small deciduous tree, to 20 m in height with pale grayish brown to blackish brown, exfoliating bark. Young twigs are pale yellowish brown. The dark green leaves are obovate, 10-18 cm long and 4.5-10 cm broad, with a 1-3 cm petiole. Fragrant flowers appear before leaves, erect, cup-shaped, 15 cm wide, with 12-14 tepals that are white to rosy-red. The fruit is a cylindric aggregate of follicles 6-18 cm long.

Magnolia denudata

Image 10. Magnolia denudata
subg. YulaniaSection:M. sect. Yulania subsect. YulaniaSpecies:M. denudata

Description Morphological
Magnolia denudata is a rather low, rounded, thickly branched, and coarse-textured tree to 30 feet (9.1 m) tall. The leaves are ovate, bright green, 15 cm long and 8 cm wide. The bark is a coarse, dark gray. The 10–16 cm white flowers that emerge from early to late spring, while beautiful and thick with a citrus-lemon fragrance, are prone to browning if subjected to frost.

Magnolia denudata, known as the Yulan magnolia, is native to central and eastern China. It has been cultivated in Chinese Buddhist temple gardens since 600 AD. Its flowers were regarded as a symbol of purity in the Tang Dynasty and it was planted in the grounds of the Emperor's palace. It is the official city flower of Shanghai.

Flos magnolia

Image 11. Flos magnolia

Genus:MagnoliaSpecies:Flos magnolia biondii

Description Morphological
Magnolia biondii can grow up to 40 feet, or 12 meter. Its bark has a pale gray and smooth appearance. It produces simple leaf type with ovate shape. In general, leaf size varies and can be up to eight inches, or 20 centimeters, long and four inches, or ten centimeters, across. In addition, they are taper-pointed at the tip and wedge-shaped at the base with a short petiole of up to ¾ inches, or 2 centimeters. Furthermore, leaves are arranged in an alternative pattern. Leaves have pinnate venation. Moreover, stamens and carpels are spirally arranged.

Flowers and fruit
Flowers of Magnolia biondii are small and white and have strong fragrance associated to them. They can grow up to 3 ¼ inches, or eight centimeters across. Flowers parts are in sets of threes. In general, flowers have six petals and three sepals. More specifically, the petals are pink at the base and white at the top. Furthermore, flowers have cone-shaped receptacle that bears spirally arranged carpels from which styles emerge. Stamens are cream-white in color. In addition, flowers take several years to appear. Because of the small size and long growth period, Magnolia biondii is seldom used for ornamental purposes. Magnolia biondii produce aggregate fruits that consist of numerous separate carpels of one gynoecium. The fruits form in cylindrical cluster and protrude on a stalk. Each cluster can grow up to 5 ½ inches, or 14 centimeters long. Individual fruitlets are red at first, then turn brown upon maturity.

The dried flower buds of Magnolia biondii are used medicinally in China and Japan. They are used to relieve coughing and nasal obstruction. Pharmacologically, five lignans including pinoresinol dimethyl ether, magnolin, epi-magnolin A, fargesin, and demethoxyaschantin have been attributed to the medicinal effect of Magnolia biondii.

Sophora japonica

Image 12. Sophora japonica

Species:S. japonicum

Description Morphological
Sophora japonica is a species of tree in the subfamily Faboideae of the pea family Fabaceae. It was formerly included within a broader interpretation of the genus Sophora. The species of Styphnolobium differ from Sophora in lacking the ability to form symbioses with rhizobia (nitrogen fixing bacteria) on their roots. It also differs from the related genus Calia (mescalbeans) in having deciduous leaves and flowers in axillary, not terminal, racemes. The leaves are alternate, pinnate, with 9-21 leaflets, and the flowers in pendulous racemes similar to those of the Black locust.

It is considered to have abortifacient, antibacterial, anticholesterolemic, antiinflammatory, antispasmodic, diuretic, emetic, emollient, febrifuge, hypotensive, purgative, styptic, and tonic properties. Some components in the dried fruit showed antifertility action, haemostatic properties, anticancer, antitumor, antiobesity, antioxidation effects and had roles in the treatment of hypertension and haemorrhoids. The fruit should not be taken during pregnancy. The dried flower buds are considered to have different medicinal properties from the dried ripe fruit. Toxic effects may include nausea, dizziness, vomiting, abdominal pain, hepatomegaly with abnormal liver function, haematuria, albuminuria, somnolence, spasms and coma.

Eugenia caryophyllata

Gambar 13. Eugenia caryophyllata

Genus:Eugenia Species:Eugenia caryophyllata

Description Morphological
The clove tree is an evergreen that grows up to 8–12 m tall, with large leaves and crimson flowers grouped in terminal clusters. The flower buds initially have a pale hue, gradually turn green, then transition to a bright red when ready for harvest. Cloves are harvested at 1.5–2.0 cm long, and consist of a long calyx that terminates in four spreading sepals, and four unopened petals that form a small central ball.

Potential medicinal uses
The U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has reclassified eugenol (one of the chemicals contained in clove oil), downgrading its effectiveness rating. The FDA now believes not enough evidence indicates clove oil or eugenol is effective for toothache pain or a variety of other types of pain.
Studies to determine its effectiveness for fever reduction, as a mosquito repellent, and to prevent premature ejaculation have been inconclusive. It remains unproven whether clove may reduce blood sugar levels.
In addition, clove oil is used in preparation of some toothpastes and Clovacaine solution, which is a local anesthetic used in oral ulceration and inflammation. Eugenol (or clove oil generally) is mixed with zinc oxide to form a temporary tooth cavity filling.
Clove oil can be used to anesthetize fish, and prolonged exposure to higher doses the recommended dose is 400 mg/l) is considered a humane means of euthanasia.

Lonicera japonica

Image 14. Lonicera japonica

Genus:LoniceraSpecies:L. japonica
Description Morphological
Lonicera japonica, known as golden-and-silver honeysuckle or Japanese honeysuckle in English, suikazura (スイカズラ/吸い葛 or 忍冬) in Japanese, jinyinhua (金银花) or rendongteng (忍冬藤) in Chinese, indongdeonggul (인동덩굴) in Korean, and kim ngân hoa in Vietnamese, is a species of honeysuckle native to eastern Asia including China, Japan and Korea. It is a twining vine[4] able to climb up to 10 m (33 ft) high or more in trees, with opposite, simple oval leaves 3–8 cm (1.2–3.1 in) long and 2–3 cm (0.79–1.18 in) broad. The flowers are double-tongued, opening white and fading to yellow, and sweetly vanilla scented. The fruit is a black spherical berry 3–4 mm (0.12–0.16 in) diameter containing a few seeds

Traditional Chinese medicine
In traditional Chinese medicine, Lonicera japonica is called rěn dōng téng (Chinese: 忍冬藤; literally "winter enduring vine"[ or jīn yín huā[16] (Chinese: 金銀花; literally "gold silver flower"). Alternative Chinese names include er hua and shuang hua. In Korean, it is called geumeunhwa. The dried leaves and flowers (Flos Lonicerae Japonicae) are employed in traditional Chinese medicine, being used to treat fever, headache, cough, thirst and sore throat.


Temperature in the city of Sumenep
Sumenep Regency is included in the tropics. Like other areas in Indonesia, the wet season in Sumenep begins October through March, and the dry season from April to September. The average rainfall in Sumenep is 1,479 mm. Based on data for the year 2011 the Air Temperature in Sumenep the highest occurred in September-November (31.7 ° C). 
Temperatures are relatively consistent throughout the year, with average temperatures of 30 degrees Celsius. The largest amount of rainfall occurs in December. On average the sun shines longest in August and lowest in February. While the wind speed in the month of July is the highest and the lowest in March

Horticultural commodity production highest in the city of Sumenep
Mangoes with a total production of 652,401 Kw is the highest fruit commodities both in terms of the amount of production that is amounting to Rp 127,218,195,000.

kinds of kinds of mango in the town of sumenep
Mango arumanis
Mango honey
Mango golek
Mango avocado
Mango manalagi

1 .trimming branchestrimming is done after the harvest by cutting branches that are not used
2. fertilizing after harvest
3. the application of substances growing Manager
4. The application kno3

My self (tentang Karir Dan keluarga)

Name   : Citra Helda Anggia
Progam study : Production horticulture

Table Of Contents
Chapter 1 self-awareness
1. basic personal information
2. career interests
3. professional competence and ability to adapt
4. personal qualities - for what
5. professional values ​​- what is most important
6. Competence - What are the advantages and disadvantages
7. Self-analysis Summary

Chapter II Conditions of career
1. Environmental Analysis families
2. The school environment
3. The social environment
4. Analysis of work

Chapter III of article career goal orientation and grouping binding
1. Define the purpose of career
2. decomposition and combination career goals

Chapter IV-specific implementation plans
1. Define the type of business that will be executed
2. Make a business concept

Chapter V Assessment Adjustment
1. Assessment of content
2. The estimated time
3. Estimated adjusted principles

Chapter VI. Conclusion

1. Basic Personal Information
My name is image helda anggia born in sumenep 15 May 1998 of a pair of husband and wife moh. wahdi and maltufah, I live in the Middle moncek, sumenep lenteng with both my parents along with my adek named septian CyberNet wahyudi. I started the school was 5 years old in elementary school moncek Middle 1, afterwards continuing in the country's first high school and continued at bluto high school sumenep and now continue in jember State Polytechnic Department of crop production horticulture.

2. Career Interests
I am from the age of 8 years are mind want to be Minister of agriculture because as the Minister may know the food needs of the country and can give the policy towards agriculture to meet the needs of the community in the village as well as urban poor people especially needs must provide assistance with would be sure the form of money or food staple and provide training for farmers to higher production more than ever.

3. Adaptability
Adaptation is the most important to me because with the adaptation we could meneriama all the new circumstances as I originally come from indonesia, which has only two season and has 4 seasons in china it can be solved with clothes so also with adapt to native Chinese seems to me very quickly because I am the person is easy to smile and say hello because I'm used to sosialitation with following some organization.

4. Personal Qualities
My personal qualities is honest, responsible and skilled in speaking these things that may be able to compete in the work or school without personal qualities not being able to do my private quality achieved and want to be very important for me, all the job must have discipline, responsibility and diligence.

5. Professional Values
professional values is in the success because with all the professionals will be achieved by not never give up never desperate, to be honest, persevering and resilient thus everyone will believe and professional values higher. Professional values should be shared by everyone, because this value that will make a person has a high sales value.
7. Summary of self-analysis
I want to be Minister of agriculture because as the Minister may know the food needs of the country and can give the policy towards agriculture to meet the needs of the community in the village as well as urban poor people especially needs must provide assistance and i have characters discipline, responsibility and diligence.


Analysis of Family Environment
My name is image helda anggia born in sumenep, May 15, 1998, I lived with 3 people, my father died at the moment of my departure kechina him ill to TUBERCULOSIS and hepatitis before he did not work during my junior high still and eventually my mother into bone the back of the family as an employee in one of the well known companies in indonesia, I have younger men are now still in school he likes playing football. Since the death of my father I want to be a career woman wrong satumya i.e. became Minister of agriculture since the majority of my home as farmers and want to improve the quality of crops in applying agricultural technology such as in products Horticulture mainly.

2. Analysis of Educational Environment
I am majoring in production of agricultural and horticultural crop production I prodi there I learned about fruits, vegetables, ornamental plants, medicinal plants and so on. My campus apply especially practice because based vacational every student has the right to plant rice in each lab course that has been set and the campus I am so beautiful lots of trees around the campus and many places of learning so it becomes comfortable for learning.
the name of my State Polytechnic Campus jember in indonesia there are 34 Polytechnic Campus and I am one of the best campuses in indonesia namely rank 5 most State Polytechnic graduates working in jember company and there is also an entrepreneurship and have companies that sanagat good about 50% of my campus graduates have perusaahaan due to students trained to entrepreneurship and character formed by teaching and creating a quality merchandise from practical results

3. Social Environment
In my town the majority of farmers and fishermen because I live on the island surrounded by the sea so sanagat wide and vast land because its inhabitants are not too crowded yet so farmers and fishermen were not too well at home because it is still using the traditional agricultural system so I want to introduce a more advanced agricultural technology to obtain high crop quality and my famous village rich in entrepreneurship so that I wanted to be self-employment farm Minister to know at once a staple food for masayarakat village, perkotaaan as well as the State.

4. Analysis of work
Much agricultural land in indonesia have not been termanfaatkan because these young men would rather go kekota to change your fate and don't want to be a farmer because farming in Indonesia was no guarantee of wealth due to panennya not produksin results qualified and certified not this that caused me to want to become Minister of agriculture to change the mindset of Indonesian youth become farmers great and not ashamed anymore to farming by giving learning a good agricultural technology sehinngga Indonesian food would be sure and do not need to import.


1. Determination of Career Objectives
My target is to learn about agriculture in Indonesia was more enterprising and outside countries such as china, Japan and thailand and follow some of the Organization's leadership to lead the people of indonesia I already follow some organizations especially in my Department, campus, and outside campus.

2. Decomposition and Combination of Career Objectives
In 2019-2020 School of the University of jember in strata 1 and becomes Chairman of a few organizations that I belong to from the campus and outside campus seta made papers on agricultural technology
In 2020-2022 go ahead with strata 2 in Japan especially on modern agricultural
In 2022-2024 run and prepare to become Minister of agriculture
In the year 2024-2029 became Minister of agriculture


1. Determine the type of business
I want to make factory farming and animal husbandry in my village so to export so that requires natural resources and human resources professionals and didesa I will apply modern village formed there is a modern agricultural use Advanced agricultural technology and tools so much pariwisatawan from overseas to my village and village education environment

The contents of the factory that is the original product from my village, namely sweet corn made of candy, ice cream, grits and so forth and from perikannya that is ready to export the crabs and seaweed due to me from the island that is surrounded by the sea and make a wrap the good as well as the quality and flavor typical of my village.


1. Assessment of content
          A risk: a. Many companies are already updating the ekkspor products
b. a lot of labor who has not expert in agriculture
c. requires very high capital and tenacity
d. require cooperation with foreign companies
Risk II:
    Response options: evaluation done every month in order to menajemen the financial and quality of products remain secure

Risk III:
Response options:
3. The principles of planning and adjustment
a. support of families is very important
b. to train to become self-sufficient and lead
c. can train your honesty and patience in doing business


All wishes will be achieved when there is a will and hard work by way of practice and learning by actively so that all dreams will be fulfilled and makes us become successful